Belly of the Beast – V7


A cave located near the “pillar” boulder in the lower section of the boulders. Sit-start matched in crack and make burly moves climbing two overlapping boulders. Bust to the lip and make a somewhat desperate mantel. FA Scott E.

Recent Sendage:

  • V7
    Underrated?? Best V7 I've touched this year and my favourite in Skyline. Reminded me a bit of Steer Wrestling at Highwood for its sustained cavey climbing, which I also loved.
  • V7
    Probably the best v7 I’ve done at skyline, or anywhere else I’ve been so far for that matter.
  • V7
    Very cool movement and definitely should be more popular! end is a bit scary because of the dab rock but as long as you find beta then its fine!
  • V7
    Super cool. I’m liking this stacked bouldering concept lol
  • V7
    Excellent climbing! Nice and long with great rock and movement