Big Brother – 5.13b

20m / 66ft, 10 bolts

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13b
    Definitely pumped full of epoxy but climbs really really well with some good bouldery moves up high. Fun to lock down some micro position changes for the redpoint crux, props to Jacky for recommending this one and bringing the psyche!
  • 5.13b
  • 5.13b
    First of the grade. Took three seasons with a knee surgery in the middle to get it. Powerful gym climbing. What I love this sport for. I managed to fall after the final crux three times before sending.
  • 5.13b
    Feels awesome to make a quick tick of this after working so long on little sister. Thought for sure I was going to be short but just barely latched the jug.
  • 5.13b
    Who would've thought that trad climbing this summer would carry over to this route. Found a crucial fist jam to unlock the last crux.