Butterfly – V6

FA: carlmesserhuber - 2023-06-21


Start low on the left arete with two obvious good holds and a heel. Make burly moves up the arete, crossing the top with precision and tension, and finally exiting right as for Embryo. Float like a butterfly! 🦋🚀

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  • V6
  • V6
  • V6
    2023-06-21 (FA)
    Pretty stoked on this FA. The local salty boys and I have been cruising around for a month, sampling routes and banging out classic after classic. After trying the other routes on the Crysalis boulder I thought it was pretty obvious that this line would have already been climbed. I was very surprised to hear that no one knew anything about it. We worked it for the day with no one sending, and after another session a week later and a shit-this-is-harder-than-I-expected moment, it came together on my last attempt of the day. Stoked to contribute something to NS climbing so soon! Hard V5/Easy V6 imo. Get on it!
  • V5
    Surprisingly pumpy! Exiting up the vertical crack at the top of the wall is a worthwhile variation.