Can You Use Saltwater In That? – V2

FA: graydonsmith - 2024-12-11


Sit start the back of the boulder
One hand on a low sidepull crimp, other on the far left crimp side of the rail that starts the V0
Start low with both feet flagged far out right to create tension on weird footholds.
From here, get a foot to the larger ledge part of the rail. Fully rock over without any higher hand holds like the lip yet. Easy top out.
Kind of an eliminate or contrived, but fun?
FA: Graydon Smith 12/11/2024

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  • V2
    2024-12-11 (FA)
    Fun variation on the V0 that I found a lot more fun. Could do a V1 variation where the entire rail was in for the hands. New to grading so feel free to suggest a change. I think it felt similar to a few 2s and 3s to me locally