Dodging Wives – 5.11c


Situated on the main face of Saddle Mountain midway between Flashback and Saddle Spire (p. 405-406 of the Banff Rock guidebook). A sport climb which is entirely bolt-protected and can be descended in 30 m rappels.

The climb starts about 3 m left of Fools in the Rain.

1. 50 m, 5.10a. 23 quick draws
2. 20m, 5.11a. 10 quick draws
3. 30 m, 5.11b/c. 14 quick draws
4. 25 m, 5.10a. 11 quick draws

Established by: Jesse Horne, Evgenii Kozhushko and Ben Greenwood, August 2013

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