Easy Street – 5.6 (trad)

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  • 5.6
  • 5.7
    Classic fun and run out. If you're a rookie trad leader I would recommend climbing Joy before this route. The runouts on this route are fun if you're experienced but would be terrible if it was your first time on a climb like this. Lots of loose rock as is expected in the rockies. Had a brick sized rock explode right beside me on one of the last pitches. Route finding can be a big challenge and we topped out on an unreal 5.10ish mantle on last pitch glad we got off route it was sick!
  • 5.6
    First real alpine lead. Lead all the pitches but the first. Took the wrong approach to the base of the climb and ended up soloing some easy 5th in runners - great start to the day. Gear was pretty sparse in some cruxier sections too throughout the climb. Also took the wrong route to the summit (went left, up the slabs) and ended up having to do a 5.10 mantel section.... Got gripped, had a good time.
  • 5.6
  • 5.6