Grumpy Old Man – 5.12b

34m / 112ft, 15 bolts


a great line that deserves more attention! the majority of the climbing is excellent but a 2 bolt choss band takes away a little bit from the fun

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12b
    Nice surprise warm up send today
  • 5.12b
  • 5.12b
    I really liked this line! it had lots of interesting movement with jugs right where you need them. the fin feature at the bottom is also HIGHLY enjoyable. go get on it! sportclimbs in the Canadian rockies calls this 12b, and it felt like soft 12b to me.
  • 5.12c
  • 5.12c
    Great movement through the first 3/4 of the climb, followed by surprisingly decent holds in a giant band of fossilized rat sh*t. Beautiful climb :) Second go with perma-pumped arms! Felt like a hard 12b (posted grade at the crag).