Last Dance – 5.12d

26m / 85ft, 10 bolts


Last Dance starts up an easyish 5.11 section to a large ledge. Boulder up through the bulge with large throws to gain a rest. Hopefully you can recover completely here, because the last pumpy section, while easier than the boulder, will probably spit you off a few times.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12d
    “Maybe I’ll care when Punter starts paying me to climb”
  • 5.13a
  • 5.13a
    Had a really tough time deciding between 12d and 13a, I can c either way. -1 star for the first 4 bolts, no hands rest and above is *chefs kiss*
  • 5.12d
    Tried this 3 years ago and it felt nails, sent it as a warm up after one session earlier this season. The climbing in the top headwall is immaculate.
  • 5.13a
    Went left at the crux. The sidepull move is jank, great route though ! Shoutout to Josh and Connor :).