Magic Carp – V4

FA: Mark Derksen - 2014-09-07


at the boulder to the climbers left of the split boulder up at the pilgrimage area. east face, start on a jug in the speckled dihedral. climb out left and up the more solid looking face with a few tricky moves

Recent Sendage:

  • V5
    only wanted to do the climb bc of the pokemon but this is so hard for a 4
  • V4
    I thought this was hard. The "low left in the crack, then high right in the crack, then ooze around the corner statically" beta. Morpho, but very fun!
  • V4
    Hard. Low left hand to HIGH blind toss left crimp and compression to match beta; very reach dependent.
  • V4
    2014-09-07 (FA)
    phenomenal, great moves