El magnate del tomate – 5.11d

40m / 131ft

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11d
    A hugely wandering adventure, making for a difficult O/S. I tried a bit to hard to stay on the bolt line and got pumped out before I realized you really traverse far back and forth between tufas as soon as it gets hard. Contrary to the guide, L2 is much much easier than the bottom and doesnt add any extra difficulty, but it does certainly add epic-ness as you chimney your way up the tufas and telephone holds! Was having such an experience I yelled down to Imogen on the belay that she simply had to do the whole damn 40m line, no way anyone should stop after L1. Simply spectacular, came down grinning.
  • 5.11d
    Amazing stemming crux
  • 5.12a
  • 5.11b
    To the first anchor. Wild moves!
  • 5.11c
    It's great thoughtful climbing. The bottom is stiff 6c+, the extension felt like 5.10d (6b+ I give it). Not 5.12a; give me a break. The whole thing gets 6c+ overall, because of the bottom difficulties.