Mondo Slap – V10

FA: Josh Rice - 2024-04-22


Sit start on the low left blocky ledge under the roof. Slap to the lip out left then traverse right and up the prow. Full value climb.

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Recent Sendage:

  • V10
    An epic battle with the heat wave and mosquitoes but managed to eek this one out. Nice vision from Sam to find such a cool start sequence with non-obvious but good holds. First half sequence felt easier than opening moves for Fat Slapper Low, but more moves added pump to the desperate finish. V10 seems fair!
  • V10
    Lovely climbing! Got 'er done while visiting town. A fair bit easier than it was last year before the hold break. I agree with Loic's proposed grades.
  • V10
    The new undercling way makes all versions easier IMO. I think V10 for left sit. V10- for right sit and v9- for right stand. The left is probably my favorite now.
  • V11
    Definitely harder than Fat Slapper. Other than the first move, the moves are all pretty darn fun. Fired it off first go after figuring out my beta.
  • V11
    2024-04-22 (FA)
    This feels like the most full value climb on this boulder. Could be off on the grade, but felt significantly harder to put together than Fat Slapper low. Go check it out and hope you enjoy!