Naked Teenage Girls – 5.12a

38m / 125ft, 13 bolts


NTG climbs the right side of the blank face of Yellow Wall. Start off a ledge by climbing either Shadow Play, One Way to Wangland, or some combination. The face has consistently hard and technical crimpy climbing to a break, then run it out to the top!

A single 70m rope will get you down, but tie knots!

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12a
    Superb. Really proud to have sent this old school test piece. Spectacular climbing, super fun and tricky technical crux, and heady runouts. Glad to finally have this one ticked. Get on it. It’s amazing.
  • 5.12a
    Route delivered freshly baked humble pie
  • 5.12a
    This thing is a rock climb time machine back to the 80s. The crag, un PC name, the delicate face climbing, the upper easier run outs, the all time sandbag grade all takes you back on this historic piece. Happy to have challenged myself on an antistyle climb, were my crux was perceiving the subtle holds and beta.
  • 5.12a
    MY DREAM LINE!! my favourite send to date, unlocked a static beta through the crux and it was game over after that, thanks everyone for the belays and especially andrew for all the advice and encouragement,
  • 5.12a
    Amazing line. 7th try.