Nintendo 69 – V9

FA: Evan Erickson - 2007-04-14


Starting matched under the roof on a sidepull (or with a RH on the arete). Climb out of the mini cave and up the steep arete via powerful moves.

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    First ground burn, felt easy for the grade but it’s a great climb nonetheless.
  • V9
    What a stellar line. Hardest single session boulder I’ve ever done, sent at the end of a 9.5 hour day.
  • V9
    wonderful climb - definitely one of the best at Frank!
  • V9
  • V9
    Moves came together quickly but one where execution was a big challenge for me. A dry fire here, a foot slip there... gotta love bouldering. One of the best I've done in Frank