Paskapoo Slap – V9

FA: Sam Carr - 2020-11-30


Start on the large obvious edge on the left side of the boulder to the right of a crack. Crank up to crimps out right and continue traversing right slapping on slopers until reaching a slopy rail on the far right side of the boulder. Top out directly above. (project E in the guide)

Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    Felt way easier this year! Nice climb in the city. Also suspect the middle crimp has broken, as it felt thinner and actually chipped again where my left index finger was crimping (picture attached, rock was bone dry). Difficulty still feels similar, but not sure how long this line will last. Someone also dismantled the beautiful log landing that was built. I tried to build it up again but I'm no Dai Koyamada engineer.
  • V9
    Sickk climb went down with cool weather and tricky foot beta
  • V9
  • V9
    Desperado on the slopers. Some really nice holds on this one.
  • V9
    2020-11-30 (FA)
    The cold made this possible. The slopers have never felt this sticky before! Been trying this one for like 3 years..