The Renaissance – V8

FA: Josh Bylsma - 2015-04-04


Start in the cave matched on a slopey rail. Move up to the sloper complex under the roof, and then tackle the bulge above. Powerful moves!

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Recent Sendage:

  • V9
    Coordinating the first move was super fun but loses stars for me due to the awkward top and contrived start options. I tried the pre-placed cam beta but it was very awkward as a "sit" start. As Evan alluded to, it should be considered an alt-start 7/8, as it changes the crux of the OG problem.
  • V8
    Dom found new beta.
  • V7
    3rd try. I think a hold broke to make the cam a lot better? So theres beta where you can still sit start without stacked pads and work your feet up before the big move. Oh well it was still really fun but unfortunately not as hard
  • V8
    stoked top get one of franks best! got it in 1 sesh
  • V9