Rhino Fight – 5.12c

6 bolts
FA: Jack Szumilas - 2020-07-17


First three bolts of 'Cuban Rhino', then go left at the jug hueco and join into 'Fight or Flight'. The link up bolt has been replaced with a glue in (Thank you David!).

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.12c
    That was a fight , almost fell four times, but today's conditions were perfect, harder than Cuban 🦏, so 12c would be correct
  • 5.12c
    Great route! One of the best on the darkside. Second go.
  • 5.12c
    Amazing sustained climb, I'm no reference but this was definitely harder than Cuban Rhino!
  • 5.12c
    Finally! After too many sessions and WAY too many attempts, turns out that all I needed was a couple days of rest and some good highstep beta (thanks Jack!) I really thought I wouldn't send until rhinos could fly. But it went down on the first burn of the day. Rest and good beta made up for humid conditions and a slimy sloper. Definitely harder than Cuban.
  • 5.12b
    I was surprised this line was not bolted yet. Fun couple of moves in the middle :).