FA: Evan Erickson - 2007-07-14


Arguably the one of the best in Frank. Right across the river you will spot this one. Long arching lip traverse. sit start at the right end and climb up to the peak of the climb. Perfect holds, and pumpy!

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Recent Sendage:

  • V8
    Climbs really well, but the crux is based on endurance which is kinda meh.
  • V8
  • V8
    Probably the best problem / boulder in Frank. Climbs so well.
  • V8
    Hands down the best line I’ve tackled in Frank slide so far, this was the line that first drew me into climbing and fuelled my addiction so I was super stoked to take this one down within my second season of climbing! Will definitely be repeating this one whenever I’m across the river just for the pure enjoyment/style of climbing.
  • V8
    Session 2 felt great, went after like3 tries today