Second Souffle – V7

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  • V8
    Honestly, one of the best boulders Ive climbed, definitely in the top 10. Beautiful aesthetic, proud feature, bomber holds, technical sequence and nice height. I tried it once in 2019 with no skin and tape on every fingertip and didnt get very far. I tried it again last week and I was getting near the top but having no idea where to go and encountering a lot of mossy holds. Today I came with a rope and inspected the top and cleaned the atete. However little did I I know on my send burn, the penultimate hold was a sloper covered in moss that I happened to overlook. I stayed calm, gripped a bit tighter then lunged for the lip, which was a directional but a sinker jug. Awesome climb. Sent twice
  • V8
    Plutôt v8 que v7. Technique
  • V8
    Très techy et engagé. Plutôt V8 que V7. La droite de l'arrête slopy gagnerait à être brossée.
  • V7
  • V7
    Très beau bloc technique. Gagnerait à être plus grimpé. Probablement V8 selon moi!