Stone Temple Pirate – 5.10a

14m / 46ft, 9 bolts


The 4th bolt line from left to right on the Umbrage wall.

Starts with face moves on good edges and jugs up to the mid-point ledge. Then up onto the bulge. Match hands on jugs behind the crux flake, and pull the big move. There are a few ways to do it, but after the lip you’re over the bulge, and it’s all positive holds and jugs to the finish. FA Marko, D Woods, '21.

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Recent Sendage:

  • 5.9
  • 5.10b
    Way harder crux than any other 5.10 on the same wall, unless I'm insane it's a notch above beached whale.
  • 5.9
  • 5.9
    Unsure on the grade I think I went the wrong direction at tiny overhang and did a much harder sequence than needed. First ever top rope solo which made it harder if anything as my setup wasnt perfect. Climb is still missing first 2 hangers anyways so would be a rough lead as of 9/15