Wall Street – 5.11a

22m / 72ft, 4 bolts

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  • 5.11a
    RS, note to self, dont make stopper knots when rope soloing. it doesnt help and causes problems. the dumb fuckery to fix this was wretched
  • 5.11a
    Not sure if I did this properly. Went up the first 3 bolts slapping the corner, moved through the slab to the run out old school bolt and then topped out on the anchors above the corner trad route. Either way, it was a very proud ascent. After the mini freak out on the 5.9 friction slab pitch of Broken Wing, it was good to get a bold ascent at my limit at my least favourite kind of climbing.
  • 5.11a
    bring small nuts or extend the 4th bolt if you want the run out to be a bit less insane. TRd this years ago, got it on the first RP
  • 5.11a
    Good climb for Wasootch. 4 or 5 bolts (1 is pretty suspect) and two small nut placements protect the climb adequately. Fun slapping up the arete, and a cool blank wall foot traverse.