16m / 52ft, 7 bolts
FA: carlmesserhuber - 2022-07-06


Just right of Blind Alley (11b)

Tech your way through the obvious and fantastic looking open book corner, passing a midway crux utilizing an amazing undercling. Take a rest before launching into the final crux, following a series of tiny crimps and sidepulls through the improbable looking blank section. I’m biased of course but I think it’s destined to be an area classic.

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  • 5.11c
    difficult to onsight, many ways to get tricked but thats what makes this line so fun. techy, smeary, climb worth doing!
  • 5.11c
    2022-07-06 (FA)
    Tech your way through the obvious and fantastic looking open book corner, passing a midway crux utilizing an amazing undercling. Take a rest before launching into the final crux, following a series of tiny crimps and sidepulls through the improbable looking blank section. Im biased of course but I think its destined to be an area classic. Thanks to everyone who took part in this amazing process. Thanks Lisa for the patient long belays, Erica for uncovering the key holds in the blankest section, Ian Perry who answered my call for help with the bolting process with huge stoke, and for everyone else that came out to the crag and shared my psyche. Enjoy!