Yankee Clipper – 5.13c

17m / 56ft, 9 bolts

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.13b
    with multiple kneebars including in the crux
  • 5.13b
    If I had a dollar for every time I fell on the last move before the rest I could buy a PBR with change. Easier than I thought, but harder than I expected. Fun as a bun
  • 5.13c
    Excellent power endurance climbing, none of the moves are ridiculous off the bolt but bringing it all together is a different story. I used kneepads
  • 5.13c
    So sick!!!! First lead proj, first 5.13! This climb pulled some demon out of my to actually power scream. Sent with a resistance band as a knee pad
  • 5.13c