You’re Only Cheating Yourself – 5.11d

25m / 82ft, 10 bolts


Sustained and sequential crimps through the lower wall lead to a rest at mid-height. A couple more cruxes lead to the crack and the top. Good!

Recent Sendage:

  • 5.11d
    Pumpy! 2nd go
  • 5.11d
    Super fun! One tension crux, one on my tip toes reach crux and then pinching the funny little brain hold. I used the crack on the left for the top, the direct way does look harder for what it’s worth.
  • 5.11d
    I didn’t like going into the dirty crack on the onsight. Did it a second time staying on the face and the quality of the route was much better. Staying on the face bumps the grade up to 12- imo
  • 5.11d
    Excellent sustained crimping, and a scruffy finish around the arête.
  • 5.11d
    Fun, sustained crimping through the bottom half