Pages Pinnacle

58 Sport Climbs


The Sunny Gold Coasts, Premier Sport Climbing crag. A collection of different sectors to choose from with varied climbing. From pockets to slabs to steep pumpy walls- perched high up off the deck, whatever you're into, Pages has it.

Entry Wall: The cliff face on the walk in, ending just before the start of all The Gold Coast sector. This covers ~150m of cliff. The Sun Bowl is visible above this area.

The Sun Bowl is the crown jewl of pages. a large orange bowl of excellent water worn volcanic rock about 20m off the deck. Climbs are powerful pumpers all with hard boulder problem cruxes. This is the hardest wall of the crag and a true test of power, capped with wicked exposure over the valley below. There are two belays that routes climb from. These two belays are connected via a fixed rope. To do the routes on the left, ramble up the vegetated Valencia or climb Are We Dancer. To access the right belay, you can climb Tinka Extension, or carefully Traverse across from the left belay station via the fixed rope.

The Gold Coast: Sector to the right of the Entry Wall. The most popular sector at Pages Pinnacle. And for good reason! This wall provides every grade with a slab intro section into steep headwalls on excellent quality volcanic stone. The wall tends to be over-bolted so please study topos carefully....

Summit Wall: The big obvious grey and orange overhang at the top, high above Ice Cream Wall. Should produce some nice routes in the 20s in a great position. Lots of potential up here for many more routes.

Ice Cream Wall is ~100m to the right of the Gold Coast Wall on the obvious, black and white streaked, gently overhung wall 20m off the deck that comes into view after passing the slabs. Routes tend to be sustained and with bouldery cruxes. Good foot work tends to be the most important factor here!

Yorkshire Wall: Walk a further 5 minutes past the previous sectors until you spot an obvious square-cut, left facing pillar. This vertical wall provides excellent on your feet climbing.

The Western Wall: The wall facing west that you first walk in (from the lower access location). Shaded in the mornings.

Directions / Travel Info:

The carpark and trail head is on Pine Creek Road at a bend 1.4 km uphill after turning off from the Nerang Murwillumbah Road. Do not block the locked gates at this carpark and park parallel and close to each other so that more cars can fit.

The walk to the Gold Coast sector is 2.3km and mostly uphill.

From the 'carpark' take the gate on the right and head down the fire trail. When you come to the first junction turn right. This will lead down and accross a broad creek bed before starting to head back up hill. At the next junction keep right and then 60 meters later at the following junction keep left. Slog it out along the fire trail up some steep hills.

There are two cairned paths (to the left) along the fire trail , these paths create a circuit around the cliff. The first will take you to the western wall. The second, 620 metres further along and up the fire trail is beside a distinctive tall white gum tree and will take you to the Entry Wall and the main climbing areas. Someone has also carved an arrow and "PP" near the second cairn, please don't carve anything further into the trees!

At the second cairn follow this up to the ridge then veer right and down the scree along slope and follow the rough path down and along until you reach entry wall and the gold coast area.

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